In a world that is full of differences, there is one thing many have in common. And that is we all
need healing to a certain extent and all too often to a major extent. Depending on the severity of
the situation. Although, some may have an upbringing worse than others, I’ve come to observe
no pain is greater than the other. There are aspects of life that have grey areas. These areas
consist of our belief systems and how we learn and take in information. I’ve concluded, over the
years, no matter your background, depending on your beliefs it could possibly affect your ability
to accept information that is contradicting to how we are raised within our family system and in
society itself. Doing some introspection, which is the examination and observation of one’s own
mental and emotional processes. It truly gives us the opportunity to dig deep and bring to the
surface the things that hold us back from learning and accepting what’s true and real versus what
we have been indoctrinated to believe growing up. Introspection provides stability within ones-
self. Providing the information given through guidance from a greater source and understanding
that what is being taught from a higher power, grant us the opportunity to accept the change
needed within. For a greater will and purpose. Healing must happen for us to grow in order to
become effective and efficient for society. Many communities, and organizations were put into
place to help those who are in need for this to happen. We are souls living a human experience
and we are gifted a greater power from the one that has made the world and everything in it.
Everything around us including our precious stones are a gift from GOD. Jesus is our corner
stone, redeemer, and salvation in which leads to healing. The amethyst is effective in aiding in the process.